When a Guy Compliments You too Much (Reason & How to Respond)
By Suprity Acharyya • LAST UPDATED February 1, 2023

In the blog post, I'll help you figure out when a guy compliments you too much and how you should respond to it.
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Reasons why a guy compliments you too much
- He likes you: When a guy puts effort into pleasing you even when you did nothing to deserve it besides existing in his vicinity, he is definitely into you. Compliments are a gesture to please others. They are neither hollow nor purposeless.
- You would be able to see it on his face when he compliments you that he has developed a spontaneous fondness for you. If you like him back, this is good news. However, if the guy freaks you out, that is, he gives a very sheepish smile at you, and you might have to watch your step while reacting to his comments.
- Spontaneous liking and impulsive steps are not long-lived. When you like a person, you drop hints about it rather than make it obvious. However, when the person changes into a hint-dropping machine, the situation shall become worrisome.
- The fellow is in a piteous state if the guy affects your nerves without even beginning to court you. You must distance yourself immediately if you don’t have strong or vaguely similar feelings for him. Giving no hope is always better than giving false hope.
- He thinks you like him: If you have smiled at his compliments or have readily approved of them, he might be under the impression that you enjoy receiving them. Think of how a child loves to adore his favorite teacher. He will bring her flowers and sing her praises religiously.
- This guy might not be different from the child. You can call him immature. He is holding his heart up for you. You mustn’t be insensitive.
- Such people are not only immature but also sensitive to comments. They can be prone to depression and suicide.
- Before you make a harsh comment or throw airs to break their heart by showing off as an arrogant person who is far above their league, dig into their medical history. If you feel they need help, contact their mentor or seek help from someone mutual.
- He is a people pleaser: There is always a chance that it is not about you but his nature. He is not treating you differently, but like how he treats everyone. Precisely put, he is a people pleaser.
- Notice how he treats others. Is he always buttering people’s shoes? Does it make you any different from others? It needs not be a generous love towards humanity. He is doing this because he doesn’t hate you.
- Besides, such people don’t have enemies. They don’t understand the meaning or necessity of having an enemy. They will either keep friends or acquaintances. It is difficult to say no to such people when they ask for people. However, the brilliant part is that they never ask for help. When you see them in trouble, you move towards helping them instantly.
- He likes to flirt: Another very strong possibility could be that he likes to flirt. He is generous to all people of the opposite gender with words and actions. He is not trying to hit on you. His only attempt is to be playful.
- He is among the lot who excel at flirting. He has always been popular as a sweetheart. He is the chocolate boy who everyone likes. He will ask for nothing but a smile.
- He is not targeting to hit upon you. He is not a playboy. He is not brainwashing you into liking him. His compliments are meant to make your day. He likes making people feel special. He can have a set of reasons for that.
- Even if you have a boyfriend, neither you nor your boyfriend will find this guy’s nature harmful. He will be able to humor both of you. Moreover, you will be surprised to see how he never takes a side. He will try to help you to maintain a balance between everything.
- He is in an open relationship: With the growing popularity of open relationships, it won’t be surprising if you discover that the guy is in an open relationship and is out looking for temporary baits for pleasure.
- If you are a supporter of open relationships, there is no mighty reason for you to mind it so much. Guys looking to hook up would often compliment women using heavy sexual innuendos.
- You would be able to tell what the guy is aiming at from the way he compliments you. When he compliments you, he comments on certain specific parts that he likes about you.
- In the process, he is doing two things. One, he is categorizing the parts that he likes about you to suit his fantasies or things he likes. These are the list of things that he wants or desires.
- Second, he is also telling you what he dislikes, admires, or cares about when he is not talking about or avoiding certain subjects. This is where you read between the lines to analyze his character.
- By knowing what he pays attention to, you will know how he filters his thoughts and gets a clue about how his train of thought runs. After that, you would know the catch. You would be able to ascertain a pattern in his functioning. It will help you to contemplate his words and be ready with a framed response. If his compliments are cliche, your replies can be the same.
- You are adorable: The chances of the guy being genuine is not that rare. You may be overanalyzing the situation. The guy truly finds you adorable. While some girls have serious issues with guys materializing them into things of beauty, others would not want anything more than all their parts being labeled and marveled at differently.
- If you are a tomboy but a guy calls you pretty, you might want to laugh at his face. However, you see that he is sincere in what he feels or thinks about you, and thus you decide to hold on to that laughter.
- This, however, puts you in a fix. You don’t know what to feel, how to respond, what to say, and which part of his words to take at face value. You revisit the words, trying to ascertain them in new lights.
- You fidget with the syllables to understand if a newer derivative could exist. You are too scared that you might misinterpret them. Moreover, you fear that a guy cannot just pull you towards him with skillful employment of metaphors.
- You ask yourself if it is that easy to win you over. Whether you would certainly let go of yourself into the arms of others because they know how to compliment you in ways that others don’t.
- You get so caught up in your insecurities that you fear what you will do on the day they forget to sing to your beauty or the day your beauty fades. After all, you want the person to fall for your inherent qualities rather than your outward beauty.
- He needs your help: There is a possibility that a guy is a mean fellow who is overdosing on you with his compliments so that he can ask a few favors out of you. It would let him slip in requests and call you names when you deny doing things on his behalf.
- Complementing someone is as easy as disregarding them. Don’t fall for someone’s words. They will be all for you in one moment and against you in another.
- Such is the kind when things don’t go as they had planned. They will shift their views. They treat people like tissues. Use it and dispose of it as and when convenient.
- He is trying to keep you distracted: If you are his competitor or rival on a platform, he might be trying to get his way through by keeping you distracted from the main goal.
- Don’t be too shocked into accepting that people often don’t mind playing by foul means to receive their end. Think about how you know this guy. What are the things that you have in common with him? Do you know as much about him as he knows about you?
- For all you know, the guy could be a con artist or your competitor. If you are an artist or trying to be one, the guy might be there to disrupt your masterpiece. While these can seem an exaggeration, it is not completely untrue that bizarre cases happen.
- Henceforth, take every step with precaution. Exercise with prudence and never trust a person completely. Doubt his steps, question his intentions. You don’t have to speak it out loud. All you need to do is stay alert and remain careful, so no one takes advantage.
- You don't throw air: If you can be estimated as a nice human overall, you don’t throw air. Unlike most pretty girls this guy might have come across, he will fall for you.
- While every guy stumbles over beauty and a hot disposition, a gentleman knows the spade when he sees one. If you are the combination of beauty with brains, there is something more about you than mere looks.
- If you share the same interest with the guy, you love sports. You are the combination of an outgoing socialite as well as a homely, warm person who will not fall in love with you.
- It is a human tendency to fall for wholeness. We also get attracted to what we are not. Perhaps he has seen you with others. You come across as someone kind and good-hearted. You like to walk that extra mile for others. These qualities are not easily found in people, hence his unending compliments.
- He thinks of you as his friend: Some people like to keep their friends boosted. This guy might think of you to be his friend. He is complimenting you with no ill intentions but to develop a strong sense of friendliness.
- A friend always makes you see your positives and tries to dispel the negatives. He might be trying to boost your morale if you need to be higher. You can do the same when he is proving to be a nice friend to you. Appreciate the qualities that you like in him. Be warm and friendly. A smile alone can do wonders.
How to respond to a guy who compliments you too much?
Your response can be designed based on whether you like him or not. If you like him, your response should match his words. If you don’t like him, you must act with indifference. Keep reading below to find a more curated response that might suit your taste.
If you like him
- Compliment back: When a crush compliments you, why not compliment him, sharing the same affection and vibe? If he adores your face, you adore those eyes for falling on you.
- Making the complementing game your strong suit is the easiest way out here. Your compliments should be complementary to the comments received from the other end.
- Hence, based on what he is adoring, you articulate your words. For instance, if he likes your style, you tell him you like his taste. If he adores your intelligence, tell him that you feel he shares your wavelength and understanding of things.
- Invite him over: One way of securing the attention of someone who is already hitting on you is to give them a green pass by inviting them over. It becomes easier when the exchange is happening over text. You can choose to get as direct as you want.
- “Would you like to come over? The milky (chocolaty) hands that you find so adorable can brew excellent cups of coffee. Besides, I have baked some cookies, and they are crispy and delicious.”
- It will have a natural and neutral flavor. Your response is this way when you are unsure whether the guy is being over-friendly with you or is genuinely interested in you.
- Another way of curating a response would be, “How about you come over and see more of the beautiful me in my haven? You might find something more pleasing than the face you find so gorgeous.” It will be flirtatious and more direct.
- Click pictures together: When the guy finds you adorable, why not click pictures with him to see how you would look together? When you click pictures together, you share proximity with them. Moreover, you can base your conversations on this if you like what you see.
- Ask him straight, "When you find me so good-looking, why not take a few selfies with me? I can post it saying, 'there is me with my die-hard fan!' What say?"
- This will make the situation funny and easy to deal with. You will get to pose together and see how you look together.
- You can compliment each other's looks by turns and take photos in weird poses. It will allow you to get comfortable in each other's skin altogether.
- Tease him more: Why not elevate the game by teasing him if he is slyly courting you? In that way, you shall be winning the game even by playing the game by his rules.
- You can share some seducing pictures with him if you want to escalate the situation. It will give him the ready opportunity to open up to you.
- You could flirt with him by asking silly questions or making weird demands such as, "What else do you like about me, baby?" or, "How would you adore me if you were here with me?"
- Ask him out: When you see that a guy is hitting upon you, and you would like to go out on a date with him, there's no need to hesitate in asking him out.
- Why prolong the wait when both of you want the same thing? If you are impatient and frivolous by nature, you will only be able to keep up with the mind games for a short time.
- Hence, take charge. Don't be flirtatious but relentless in the pursuit of someone you love. If you fantasize about him, tell him how hot he is making you.
- Be his dance partner: If you get an opportunity to ask him to dance with you, hold his hand and draw him close. Get on your toes, and make him grab you from where you would want him to hold you hard.
- Groove with him, and make him groove for you. Shake your hips to his delight. Be playful in your approach.
- You should be able to enjoy each other's company. Play games, share stories, get drunk and do whatever makes you comfortable at once with each other.
- Go on a movie date: A movie date gives you plenty of time to get familiarized with the ways of one another.
- When you take his hand in yours and feel it close, it will bring you out of your zone of prevention.
- When a romantic scene comes up in the movie, you will feel it in each other's eyes. It will give you an impulse. Your body will begin talking with each other.
- The best part of it is when a romantic tune plays. You could use the opportunity to whisper secrets in each other's ears.
- The best part is that the moment will continue long after the movie ends. You will share and cherish the moments, and it may be the best decision that you have made.
- Like and comment on his photos: When the guy is verbally complimenting you, and you like it, but you are too shy to react to their face verbally, or you think of something nice to say to them later, why not like and comment on their photos?
- Liking and commenting on photos will make the deal easy for you. You won't get intimidated since you will not be facing them. It will help you to articulate your words skillfully.
- You can refer to his previous comments while making the post. Say he had complimented your cooking, and you come across his photo where he has cooked something. You can comment, saying, "Looks like I am not the only one who knows how to cook well. So do I get to taste it too?"
- It's a bonus when you are good with words. Moreover, you are flirting openly. So, if the guy were playing smart and trying to cheat on his girlfriend with you, she would be informed about it.
- Get cozy: If the room, setting, and sound are such that you can draw him closer and get hot together, why keep the moment waiting?
- Getting cozy promptly when the guy is flirting with you is risky, but it might be worth it. While you will get instant pleasure, there might be the risk that it takes the form of a one-night thing.
- If you are not interested in dating this person but don't mind the pleasure that a spellbound temporary intimacy might bring you, go for it.
If you don't like him
- Don't acknowledge his comments: The best way to make a person feel that their compliments are not acceptable to you is by pretending not to hear them. They have either said it out loud or by standing not far from you. Hence, they would receive your message and not bother you.
- By not acknowledging someone’s good words for you, you are dismissing them and sending a message in the same breath. You are telling them that not only do you not accept their compliments but also that they might be wrong in thinking too highly of you.
- When you disrespect someone, they will understand that they have overestimated you and your importance. They would be disillusioned, which might stop them from chasing you further.
- Remember, it could damage your personality and impression on others. People will consider you snobbish and hesitate to approach you. So, try to deal with them more generously until and unless you want to come across as cold-hearted someone. This should be your last resort. When you have tried everything, but they remain the same, that is when you do this.
- Stop being friendly with him: If you feel that the guy is taking the liberty to be too friendly with you because you have been acting nice with him, perhaps it is time to withdraw your overwhelming sense of friendliness.
- Don’t give someone the passport to invade your privacy. Learn to draw boundaries wherever necessary. Hence, when you feel that others are misusing your extension of friendship, don’t hesitate to expire the friendship card.
- The world is full of sick-minded people. Most of them are perverse and keep ill intentions. They will show that they are innocent flowers but will have serpent-like intentions. It is better to trust someone with a grain of salt.
- Tell him to tell you something new: You can be rude to someone in many ways. One such way is to tell them to tell you something new and flash a plastic smile on their face.
- Being a snob can make the most comfortable person uncomfortable with you. When you push them out of your zone or challenge them to prove their worth before others, they will begin to hate you.
- Remember, there are many ways in which you can make a person hate you. Hatred isn’t costly. But it is expensive. To undo enemies, you will have to give your all; even that won’t be enough.
- Hence, when you act like a snob, think of how you would feel if the same happened to you. Would you have allowed anyone to toy with your heart?
- Tell him you have a boyfriend: Telling the truth or weaving a fictional tale to get yourself out of trouble isn’t all that bad. If you feel the guy has been after you for romantically inclined reasons and will be put off when he learns you have been dating someone, do it.
- Having a boyfriend or not is beside the point. What would be interesting is to see how the guy would react to learning that you have one. Whether Would he be discouraged in his attempts or heartbroken?
- If he is discouraged, then he is merely fascinated with the idea of possessing you. It was lukewarm, and no damage was done. If he is heartbroken, you might find yourself falling for him by the end of it.
- Remember, the matters of the heart are tender, and the human mind is fickle. It would be too much to bear when we see someone or something that has valued us as being divorced from our affection, or vice versa. Don’t get so shaken up by the storm of your moves that you commit self-annihilation on yourself.
- Block his contact: When you don’t want to give reasons or make explanations but remove a person from your life, block them. How else would they be complimenting you now and then?
- It would either be on chats or publicly on your social accounts. When you block them, there won’t be anything they will be able to do about it. Blocking comes across as a strong play. Hence, when you do it, they will understand that you don’t want to be bothered.
- They will not have much choice left but to let you be. If they have a genuine fondness for you, they will try to make a comeback after a gap of time. However, if you persistently insult them, they will have few options left.
- Keep yourself busy: When you show yourself to be a busy person, others' words, good or bad, will stop to make a difference. When you begin to compliment yourself and pat your back, you won’t look for approval or verification.
- It’s rewarding keeping yourself busy. You don’t let other things irk you. People notice your achievements. That is when not only one guy but others join the queue.
- It is also a great step towards self-affirmation. The importance of self-affirmation cannot be understated. You begin to regard things with a fresh point. It helps you perceive things by shifting the viewpoints, making you greatly tolerant.
- Do the opposite of what he likes: When a guy is radically after you and admires all that you do, the only way to get rid of such an admirer is to either stop doing those things or change those things about you.
- W.B. Yeats wrote a famous poem to court Anne Gregory where he admires her golden lock of hair. Anne is an independent and self-righteous person. However, she wants a man to be affectionate towards her for her inner qualities rather than extrinsic beauty.
- She tells him that she would dye her hair black to test the genuineness of the lover. Yeats admits that he would fail, for he is no god who can love a person for what they truly are.
- Similarly, a man loves you for your appearance and how you keep yourself. They don’t care about how you think or what you feel. Hence, when you change the shape and form of things or stop doing what they love, they will be discouraged from loving you.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Learn to take compliments with a smile or peal of laughter. Compliments cannot be offensive or harmful. There is no reason to grow a distaste for it. When you do not like how someone appreciates you, it is because you are not in the right state of mind.
- Learn to be grateful in life. It will unburden you of unnecessary thoughts. When you thank others for all the little things they do for you or the kind words they grace you, you will become a better person.
- Practice complimenting back more often than you do. For every compliment that you receive, compliment back to double the number. It will boost your social skills and make you more tactful towards handling these things.
About the Author

Suprity Acharyya
Suprity is the editor-in-chief of Relationshippp and its parent site RelationshipExplained. She overlooks the end-to-end editorial publishing pipeline. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English and did her Master's in Social Welfare Management.
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