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6 Landscaping Projects to Do with Your Significant Other

Teaming up to make something beautiful offers couples a way to make more than memories. Building new features in the outdoors engages mind and body in a cooperative task, and the results are something you can show off to friends and family. A sip-and-paint class is fun, but introducing guests to a new garden will […]

Teaming up to make something beautiful offers couples a way to make more than memories. Building new features in the outdoors engages mind and body in a cooperative task, and the results are something you can show off to friends and family. A sip-and-paint class is fun, but introducing guests to a new garden will always be more impressive. These activities also allow couples to develop and craft projects unique to their relationship.

1- Fill a Gabion

A gabion is essentially a rock-filled cage. These structures can be functional, decorative, or both, and installing one together can be a rewarding experience. It’s a sturdy part of your landscape that will help hold your gardening vision together for years. Filling a gabion by hand as a team creates space for long talks, and the stones offer an opportunity for hidden, romantic promises. Consider including rocks painted ahead of time with words of devotion, wedding vows, important dates, or hopes for the future.

2- Plant a Flowerbed

Flowers are integral to landscaping and gardening. Filling a small bed with flowers that have personal meanings to you and your romantic partner is a meaningful symbol you can enjoy for a season or many years, depending on what you plant. You can also use classic symbolism and flower language to find the right blooms to express your relationship.

3- Create a Path

Enjoy reflecting on the steps you’ve taken in your relationship by constructing a path. Garden paths are versatile features, and a path that symbolizes the road ahead is a beautiful element you can craft together. Decorative, concrete stones with handprints, critical dates, or other personal touches can jazz up a gravel route.

4- Plant a Tree

A tree is a wish for the future. Most live for decades, and many live for centuries. Planting a tree together is a beautiful symbol of commitment, hope, and stability. It grows bigger and stronger with time, just like a healthy relationship. Romantic partners planning on starting families may consider trees with seeds they can share with children to plant with their own significant others in time.

5- Start a Trellis

A trellis is a gorgeous landscaping element for anyone, but it offers particular meaning for romantic couples designing the entry to a new home or planning a private wedding. A combination of structure and living plants, a trellis lets couples combine diverse talents and establish a feature that will welcome them home for years.

6- Develop a Pond

Water features bring a landscape to life, and a pond is a long-term investment that can include everything from art to pets. This is the biggest project on the list, but it may be one of the most meaningful. Consider working together to design a pond you will want to care for and admire. Maybe you want to attract wildlife to your space. Perhaps you want to cultivate waterlilies or raise koi. A pond represents shared passions and is a fun project you can grow and improve in the months and years to come.

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